Saturday, April 26, 2008

Word of the Day

- is a Brazilian bikini wax applied to a man.

I'm not sure about the idea of making men look like they were 12 again. What do you think? If you want to read testimonial, this guy was brave enough to got one and blogged about it...ouch !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend goes for regular brazilians.

the term "sweaty balls" doesn't apply to him.

i much prefer it, it's cleaner, and it's not like you're giving head to a carpet... easier to breathe.

the sex is better... doesn't feel like i'm scratching a cat post.

why don't men do it? the fear. apparently the pain of vanity... hair removal, etc. is confined to women. hopefully more straight men will go down this path.

i know i am the envy of many ;)