Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Day Superstitions

Here are the top ten New Year's Day superstitions which doesn't hurt to check them out. For me, if you don't believe, don't disrespect...

#1 - Eat the black eyed peas
#2 - Make lots of noise - to scare away the evil spirits and start the New Year free from evil.
#3 - Kissing your true love at midnight
#4 - Don't lend money
#5 - Don't wash clothes. Apparently, if you wash clothes on New Year's Day, a family member will die during the upcoming year.
#6 - Work successfully. If you want to be successful in your work or career this coming year, you need to be sure to do some successful work on New Year's Day.
#7 - Don't cry
#8 - Be careful. Breaking something on New Year's Day is a bad omen that foretells destruction and bad luck in your future year.
#9 - Open your doors or windows. You should open your doors or windows at midnight in order to let the old year leave and thus let the New Year enter your home and life.
#10 - Nothing goes out

Now have a wonderful year ahead...


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