Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby Cashmere

I think you all know what "Cashmere" is, how about "Baby Cashmere" ???
Both Cashmere and Baby Cashmere are made from an animal called Capra Hircus which live in Mongolia where has perfect climate. The outer coat of Capra Hircus consists of coarse guard hairs capable of defending from the weather. Closer to their skin is a soft undercoat or duvet that trap air, generating heat and insulating them from the cold and this soft layer is called "Cashmere." An adult goat produces an average of 250 grams of fiber per year. On the other hand, "Baby Cashmere" comes from a kid goat which will be combed once in its lifetime and will produce only 30 grams.
How exclusive and precious, huh ?


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