Thursday, September 18, 2008

Before Carrie

Candace Bushnell, the author of "Sex and the Ciry" will write about Carrie's high school years in "The Carrie Diaries" which will be released in two books starting from fall 2010. The diaries would focus on Carrie's formative years in high school, giving an inside look at her friendships, romances, and how she realized her dream of becoming a writer. SOURC

On related note: Sex and the City: the movie DVD will be released on Sep 23rd. You can pre-order here.

1 comment:

thompsonboy said...

Talk about trying to milk a dead cow? I mean how fabulous can life be at high school? From the series, we can tell that Carrie probably wasnt very rich back then so there would be no designer clothes, no fabulous hangout places, no fabulous men.

Sound like a disaster already.