Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Me and Martha

Yesterday was the day to remember. I had an encounter with my idol - Martha Stewart...

I heard the last minutes news that Martha Stewart would stop by her furniture store at Siam Paragon. So, I left work early; stopped by Kinokuniya to pick up her cookbook just to arrive the store a little bit after her. She already signed all the book and mine was the last, but not least, because she had my name down along with her signature. If you look at my name closely, she started writing "SEAN" as "S-H-...." but I told her I spell my name as "S-E-A-N." She suddenly said "Oh, Dear !" and we had a brief conversation about how many ways people spell the name Sean (Shawn, Shaun, etc...) I did snapped some photo of her from my Blackberry, since I wasn't prepare any camera with me. Hopefully, someone at the store will have some pictures of me taken with her.

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